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"There are too many women": the surprising observation of Apolline de Malherbe on political interviews in the mornings


Highlights: Apolline de Malherbe is the head of political interviews in the morning on RMC. The 43-year-old mother of four is delighted with the presence of women in the media. "There is room for everyone. I was the youngest for a long time. And today, I have only one desire: to find talent. You have to rejoice when talent emerges," she tells FigARO LIVE on Monday, August 14. "I make a call so that there are male interviewers!" she adds.

FIGARO LIVE - Invited on the set of "Buzz TV", the morning of RMC comments on the presence of women in the media and more particularly, at the head of political interviews in the morning, on TV or radio.

She wakes up RMC listeners every morning. Apolline de Malherbe, 43, presents since August 2020 "Apolline Matin", the morning of the radio of the Altice group. The one who succeeds Jean-Jacques Bourdin is delighted to find his band every day composed of Nicolas Poincaré, Emmanuel Lechypre or Amélie Rosique. "We really love each other. We see each other outside and look forward to the ad to be able to chat!", reveals the interested on the set of "Buzz TV" this Monday.

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The rhythm of the morning is intense, but far from insurmountable for this mother of four. "I've always missed the start of the school year, that's true. I am not here in the morning. I miss it a little because the way to school is a moment of everyday life. But I'm there at the end of the day and in the evening." "I've always told my kids, since they were little, that I love my job. They know the unexpected. Sometimes I can be with them at the park and all of a sudden, the phone rings and we leave. I believe that children are happy when parents are happy. In any case, I reassure myself like that, "she continues.

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The journalist, who began with an internship in the culture pages of Le Figaro, is also the head of the 8:30 a.m. political interview. Like many of her sisters (Léa Salamé on France Inter, Sonia Mabrouk on CNews and Europe 1, Amandine Bégot on RTL). If Apolline de Malherbe is delighted with this female presence, she warns: "We have nothing more to prove, today it has opened. I even think there are too many women, she says. I'm not going to play against my side but I like a world of exchanges where everyone finds their place. We must not go from one extreme to the other. (...) There has to be something for everyone. I make a call so that there are male interviewers!" she adds.

« It seems a bit of a conspiracy logic »

Apolline de Malherbe on Jean-Jacques Bourdin's recent comments

In our interview, Apolline de Malherbe also mentions Jean-Jacques Bourdin who never spares her in interviews. With Le Figaro, at the end of August, the presenter of Sud Radio declared that the interview of RMC "does not work better and that on BFMTV, it is much less good". "He says, 'I have the numbers!' It seems a somewhat conspiratorial logic, reacts the interested party. I don't want to get into that. I'm a little sorry. There is room for everyone. I was the youngest for a long time. And today, I have only one desire: to find talent. You have to rejoice when talent emerges," she replies.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-10-02

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